HR&A Spotlight on our People: Academic Engagement

HR&A Spotlight on our People: Academic Engagement


At HR&A, we believe that bringing a diversity of perspectives, identities, experiences, and skills to our work is essential for tackling the complex challenges facing our cities. As former public servants, urban planners, designers, city officials, activists, real estate developers, economists, and academics, we create value for our clients by integrating multiple disciplines into our work to help our clients transform their visions into actionable solutions. 


As an employee-owned company, we love celebrating the achievements of our people, and we are consistently inspired by their passion and dedication to supporting cities and communities. Today, we’re excited to spotlight Allie Padgett and Amruta Salkalker for their recent academic accomplishments! 




Senior Analyst Allie Padgett recently earned the ACSP 2023 Ed McClure Award for Best Master’s Student Paper for her paper “A Taco Truck on Every Corner: The Effects of Heightened Enforcement Threats on Street Vendor Legalization in Los Angeles.” 


The Ed McClure Award recognizes superior scholarship in a paper prepared by a master’s student in an ACSP-member school. Submissions may address any topic of investigation generated in the course of pursuing a master’s degree in urban/city/community/town/regional planning.  



Learn more here 





Amruta Sakalker shared research findings in the Journal to Environmental Science and Policy and at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference. 


Check out this article in ScienceDirect, which highlights Senior Analyst Amruta Sakalker’s research findings from a 2-year effort for the National Science Foundation’s Smart and Connected Communities Initiative. Amruta showcases how Texas coastal communities are facing tremendous impacts of climate change while pollution from non-renewable industries continues to grow within the region. She highlights the critical role local CBOs are doing to support these communities. The article will be available in the journal’s January 2024 edition. Amruta also presented her recently completed doctoral research on a similar topic at last week’s Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP) Annual Conference in Chicago on October 20th.