ULI New York Infrastructure Council Hosts Offshore Wind Panel at HR&A Offices

ULI New York Infrastructure Council Hosts Offshore Wind Panel at HR&A Offices


HR&A Advisors recently hosted an engaging panel discussion for the ULI New York’s Infrastructure Council exploring the history, challenges, and potential of offshore wind in the New York metro area in our New York Office.

Huge thanks to Jeff Lee Romero, Karen Imas, and Max Taffet for sharing their invaluable insights and extensive expertise on this crucial topic and special appreciation to Chi Chi Truong, Principal Ignacio Montojo, and Director Erman Eruz for their remarkable efforts in organizing this insightful event on behalf of the ULI NY Infrastructure Council.


More about the ULI New York Infrastructure Council

The mission of the ULI New York Infrastructure Council is to examine the major urban systems needed by the City of New York and the surrounding region, in order to function and prosper: transportation, telecommunications, energy, water supply, waste treatment and storm drainage. The Infrastructure Council assesses the relationships of these systems to each other, identifies future needs, trends and plans, and identifies successful infrastructure financing mechanisms worldwide. The Infrastructure Council promotes sustainable policies and practices which impact real estate development in the New York region and improves the understanding of their relationship to real estate values. Learn more…