Hear from our 2023 Summer Fellows

Hear from our 2023 Summer Fellows

“HR&A immediately stood out to me as an organization whose practice aligns closely with its values. When I was browsing through different positions at peer companies, I felt that the Summer Fellowship Program offered a remarkable amount of autonomy and responsibility within a supportive framework of mentors. It became clear to me that HR&A was a community in which my interests would be supported, and a place where I would be challenged to explore new practice areas, methodologies, and ways of thinking about cities. 


The proximity between my projects and tangible change in the cities in which they are based makes my work deeply gratifying. The analyses I have prepared have informed decisions for transformative infrastructure projects. I find the high-impact nature of the work at HR&A equal parts exciting and humbling.” 

“The projects that I’m working on this summer include a community planning project and pulling together the HR&A Parks Practice Library. Both projects are incredibly different but exciting in their own ways. For the first project, I get to facilitate a community visioning process to reimagine the potential of underutilized brownfield sites with local stakeholders. The second project allows me to comb through years of amazing work that the firm has done for parks throughout the country and set up a streamlined process for future Parks projects. 


I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is endlessly curious and love figuring out how to get things to work!”



I am working on projects that expand my graduate studies and introduce me to new planning strategies focusing on inclusive economic development practices, housing studies, and real estate development trends.



As a generalist, these projects are a perfect way to expand my knowledge and skills and make me a well-rounded future economic developer. 





Interested in learning more? Meet our full class of Summer 2023 Fellows!