HR&A supported multi-agency, cross-disciplinary planning efforts for PlaNYC and led the creation of OneNYC, the City of New York’s long-term plans.
The Bloomberg administration first developed PlaNYC in 2007 as the City’s bold plan for sustainable growth in New York City through 2030. HR&A provided policy advisory services for the creation of the initial plan and supported the development of an update in 2011. In 2015, HR&A worked closely with the Mayor’s Office to project manage the update to PlaNYC, incorporating Mayor de Blasio’s policy goals of equity and inclusion in OneNYC: The Plan for a Strong and Just City.
As project manager and lead advisor for OneNYC, HR&A worked with over 70 agencies and the Mayor’s Office to develop a plan focused around four visions for the City of New York: Growth, Equity, Sustainability, and Resiliency.
OneNYC will guide the city on a path of broad-based growth that includes all five boroughs and lifts up the city’s most vulnerable populations. HR&A worked with departments and agencies to set ambitious long-term targets and create major initiatives to support job creation, population growth, household income, housing affordability, and transit access to jobs for New Yorkers.
In addition to project management and agency coordination, HR&A implemented a community and stakeholder outreach initiative and prepared an in-depth policy analysis.
We worked with the Mayor’s Office to develop an outreach strategy to ensure that the voices of New Yorkers were incorporated into OneNYC. Through town hall meetings, elected official briefings, and a public survey, our team sought input from thousands of New Yorkers to understand how the City’s 30-year plan could better serve them. HR&A also prepared an analysis of the economic, demographic, and environmental trends influencing the city and its surrounding region today and in the future. This critical work led to the development of the Plan’s economic, transportation, and housing initiatives.
Mayor Bill de Blasio launched OneNYC on April 22, 2015.
The City subsequently proposed a 10-year capital strategy within its executive budget that included $22 billion in capital allocations to OneNYC initiatives. Prior to the launch, HR&A spearheaded an effort to create a database and map of $266 billion in planned future capital investment by the City and its regional and state partners. Our work on this will provide the City a valuable tool to inform and track future investment decisions.
HR&A also provided advisory services for the creation of the initial PlaNYC 2030, unveiled in 2007, and supported the development of an update in 2011, for which we provided policy support.
In 2007, HR&A served as project manager and lead advisor for the development of a long-range transportation plan under PlaNYC. We provided the foundation for the final policy initiatives, which created a comprehensive framework for future transportation planning in New York City. To cover the wide range of complex and interrelated issues related to transportation planning in the City, HR&A convened and led an interagency team with representation from the Mayor’s Office, the Department of Transportation, and the New York City Economic Development Corporation. The team evaluated the current state of local transportation systems, and drafted policy recommendations to improve and expand sustainable transportation infrastructure. In addition, HR&A identified strategies to spur brownfield redevelopment and in August 2010, then-Mayor Bloomberg launched the nation’s first municipal brownfield cleanup program.
In support of PlaNYC 2.0 in 2011, the first major update to PlaNYC, HR&A evaluated existing energy efficiency and clean distributed generation funding programs available to real estate owners and tenants in New York City. The firm examined existing energy program budgets and expenditures, and issued policy recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the programs.

Image Courtesy: The Mayor's Office of the City of New York