on Mar 29, 2024
Empowering Puerto Rico’s Municipalities: Introducing the Federal Funds Navigator

Empowering Puerto Rico’s Municipalities: Introducing the Federal Funds Navigator
Puerto Rico recently launched its Federal Funding Navigator an online platform aimed at streamlining municipalities’ access to funding opportunities provided by the Investment in Infrastructure and Jobs Act (IIJA) and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). This tool simplifies the process of accessing over $107 billion for which Puerto Rico is eligible, for climate change and infrastructure projects Rico.
Continuing our longstanding collaboration with La Liga, which dates back to 2019, HR&A was pleased to collaborate on this Navigator. It provides access to over 140 federal funding sources for initiatives such as transportation infrastructure, renewable energy, and climate justice.
Cristina Miranda-Palacios, the founding director of Liga de Ciudades de Puerto, highlighted the challenges faced by smaller municipal teams with limited resources in navigating federal agencies. Unique features of the navigator include a readiness questionnaire to evaluate application viability (equivalent to receiving feedback even before submitting applications) and the ability to save in-progress applications. Access to the navigator is free for Puerto Rico’s 78 municipalities and the nonprofits working with them.
La Liga is committed to promoting the evolution of local governments and the transformation of Puerto Rico, starting from its municipalities. In the next few years, there will be an unprecedented opportunity to build local power in Puerto Rico, and with this tool, municipalities and communities can apply directly for107 billion in federal funding to support projects that deliver on community needs.
In addition to the Federal Funding tool, HR&A Advisors has been honored to support La Liga in developing and launching The Municipal Innovation Laboratory. In collaboration with PolicyLink, supported by the Magic Cabinet and Ford Foundation, La Liga unveiled a dynamic resource that offers a comprehensive curriculum of strategic consulting, community-focused planning, technical assistance, and specialized workshops.
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